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Friday, March 18, 2016

New instruments for the Elementary Orchestra!

The lovely new instruments are here and in use!  Here are some of our new elementary players with their senior high helpers in Elementary District Orchestra!!!

IHS Chamber of Strings performances

Our IHS Chamber of Strings ensemble is preparing for two unique opportunities in April.

The first is the Holocaust Remembrance Interfaith Service, which will be held at 5:30 PM at Beth Israel Synagogue on Thursday, April 14.  This event is open to the public, and will also feature the IHS Acapella Choir.

The IHS Chamber of Strings will also be performing for the IUP "Flicks" event on Saturday evening, April 23.  This will be an awards ceremony...like the Oscars!...for students who have submitted films to a contest sponsored by the IUP Communications Department!

We are excited to have an opportunity to be the instrumental ensemble for both of these IUP-sponsored events!

Monday, March 14, 2016

District Orchestra Parent Planning Meeting Scheduled for Thursday, April 7

Please make plans to attend the next PMEA District Orchestra parent planning meeting. We will be meeting in the JH Orchestra room from 6 - 7 PM on Thursday, April 7.  If you are unable to attend, notes from the meeting will be posted on the planning blog:  pmeadistrict235orchestra2017planning.blogspot.com.

See you there!

Music Major 101

If you have a senior high school student who is considering being a music major in college, please encourage him/her to attend this informational meeting on Monday, March 21 from 3:30 - 4:30 PM in the Vocal Music Room at the SH.  We have been publicizing this at school, but it would be good for parents to know about this event, as well.  It is important for students to prepare for college auditions, and to know what to expect as a music major, including piano proficiencies, music theory and ear training tests, and academic requirements.

Mr. Salser, Mr. Olear and Ms. Laird will be presenting information, as well as answering questions about music careers, music majors, and the music major lifestyle.

We've also encouraged the students to bring a snack to share for this informal informational meeting.

Friday, March 11, 2016

IUP String Day

IUP's String Day will be held on March 19. This is a great opportunity for our Senior High students to see what it would be like to be a college string major, or just to get some great coaching and play some new music!

The schedule has been changed slightly from the original paperwork that was sent home.  Here are the changes that you can make to your family's calendar:

8:50 AM  Registration

12:00 Pizza Lunch (provided)

5:00 IUP String Alumni Festival Concert

Scott Laird is the featured guest conductor, as well as IUP's Dr. Stanley Chepaitis.  

Participants are to wear black bottoms and a colorful top for the festival concert.  The day will feature rehearsals, a string pedagogy session for aspiring string teachers, a jazz workshop, and a chance to try out some handmade instruments by violin makers Robert Gordon and John Thorell.

I have PDFs of the music, so I can provide that to any of our IHS students who are participating.

Please let me know if your child is participating so that I get the edited application and the music to you!

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Elementary Orchestra cancelled for Wednesday, March 2

Please help me get the word out!

Our beautiful new instruments!

The four 1/4-sized basses and two 13" violas that our community helped us purchase are here!  We took delivery yesterday from Mr. Gerry Branca of Branca's Fiddle Sticks in West Lebanon.  Mr. Branca is our local string repairman and a great friend to our program.  During the days, he is the string repairman for Johnstonbaugh's Music in Gibsonia.  When he is back in Indiana County, he is repairing instruments for our Indiana community.  Mr. Branca facilitated the purchase of these new instruments and set them up for our student use.